Latex over oil paint.

Claire asked 10 years ago

The place that I bought, the original owner painted the bathroom walls and ceiling with latex over filler and oil base paint. Now I have lots of areas where the paint is coming off. What is my best option for repair.

3 Answers
Crowder Painting answered.

The best option is remove the loose paint by scrapping. Then carefully sand the areas to blend the rough paint edges with the surrounding wall or ceiling. This works best on smooth non-textured surfaces. For textured walls and ceilings, carefully scrape to remove the loose paint without sanding.

Now, prime the affected areas with a oil based primer. Something that dries quickly is a plus. You can now repaint the walls and ceiling or do more repairs with spackle or drywall mud to blend in the affected areas better. All additional repairs will need priming before painting.

Anonymous answered.

Latex or oil base paint?

I also have the same problem of having latex paint over oil base paint. Some of the paint has chipped off, but not all. Do I have to remove all the paint or can I sand a little and then cover with oil base primer, or can I paint with acrylic primer, then cover with latex paint?

Anonymous answered.

Remove any loose paint, sand to smooth the rough edges then prime with an oil base primer. After the primer dries you can paint with a latex.