Exterior Painting Rates

Questions & AnswersExterior Painting Rates
Todd Tomek asked 10 years ago

I recently painted a wooden double garage door. There were 20 raised panels, each with 2 routed “L” shaped groves them. The door was over 50 years old, had several coats of old paint. An FHA inspector required that it be ‘thoroughly’ scraped and sanded before it be primed and painted.

This job took me a week to do by hand and the owner is paying my by the hour. What is an acceptable rate for this job. I also sanded and primed 2 entry doors into the garage, along with the door trim.

1 Answers
Anonymous answered.

Sounds like the garage doors should have been replaced with new.

What is the going rate in your area? Typical hourly rates range from $20-30 per hour or it could be by the job. By the job could be $600 on up.