Can I use gel stain on a already stained fiber glass door?


I have a fiberglass door that has been stained. No finish coat. I have recently heard about gel stain. Is it too late. What do I need to do to prep the door for gel stain.

2 Responses

  1. Yes you can use a gel stain over your existing stain. The new coat of stain will add more color to your door. Make sure this is what you want. Undoing this stain application is a real pain.

    You have a few gel stain manufactures to choose from. My favorite is Old Masters. They sell a neutral gel stain that has very little color, just the amber color. This is great for "cutting" the gel stains color for a less intense look. Plus Old Masters gel stain is easier to use, in my opinion.

    Preparing the door is very easy. All you need is a clean surface to start with. Carefully wipe the door with a damp soft cloth. Don't push real hard as this could scratch the existing stain and you want it in good shape for a better final look. Once the door is clean and dry you can go ahead and apply the stain. Wait at least 24 hours before applying the clear coat, I recommend two coats of clear.

    For information check out <a href="">Staining a Fiberglass Door</a>.

  2. Yes you can use a gel stain over your existing stain. The new coat of stain will add more color to your door. Make sure this is what you want. Undoing this stain application is a real pain.

    You have a few gel stain manufactures to choose from. My favorite is Old Masters. They sell a neutral gel stain that has very little color, just the amber color. This is great for "cutting" the gel stains color for a less intense look. Plus Old Masters gel stain is easier to use, in my opinion.

    Preparing the door is very easy. All you need is a clean surface to start with. Carefully wipe the door with a damp soft cloth. Don't push real hard as this could scratch the existing stain and you want it in good shape for a better final look. Once the door is clean and dry you can go ahead and apply the stain. Wait at least 24 hours before applying the clear coat, I recommend two coats of clear.

    For information check out <a href="">Staining a Fiberglass Door</a>.

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